Monday, June 28, 2010


On 22.05.2010 we attended and participated at USP's 48 GP.
In this GP we saw professionals who studied engineering at USP, for his cart they had an advanced technology, but they have more knowledge than the students from Rainha da Paz.
Their carts? They were very good and had soft seats.

Building the car

First we made the design to cut the wood. Eduardo, from woodwork, cut the wood and then we painted it and put the axles and the seat.

Cherry Group Report

On a Tuesday at the arts studio, with teacher Cristina, it was very difficult to choose a name to our team. The first names were:
• Orange
• Beer
• Green Day
• Apple with worm
• Dunuts
Then all these ideas, we decided to choose Cherry, why Cherry? Because it is Cherry is in English.