Monday, August 9, 2010


Santos is a port town that lies on the coast of Sao Paulo state and has suffered many changes.
Some important points from his past, still exists in the city and the palace of the bag of coffee, the historic tram, Hill serrat and the neighborhood of Villa Belmiro.
The palace of the bag of coffee was created by the state government with onjetivo that were organized and controlled transactions involving coffee.
Previously, the Tram was a major means of transport. Santos is a city that still uses the tram, but not for transportation but cmo spent a tourist.
On Mount Serrat was erected the chapel made by Governor Don Francisco de Souza, in honor of the Virgin patron saint.
Villa Belmiro is home to Santos Futebol Clube is located at Avenida Ana Costa, Santos Gonzaga in the neighborhood.
And it is because the Exchange Coffee that Santos is now one of the richest cities in the country for a long time its economy was concentrated only in the cafe.

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